Welcome to Our Collections!

Explore OpenAustralia Foundation’s unique digital collections, each curated to enhance public understanding of our democracy. Our library is a gateway to these specialised online resources:

Public Authorities Collection

Discover local governance through Planning Alerts with access to records of 194 planning authorities across the nation including local councils and state bodies.

Delve into transparency in government with well over 10,000 Freedom Of Information (FOI) requests to Aussie authorities and a comprehensive database of authorities and public communications at Right To Know.

Federal Parliamentary Collection

Access an an authoritative archive of all the Australian parliamentary speeches dating back to 2006, profiles of members, their speeches, registers of interest and voting records for in-depth political analysis at OpenAustralia and They Vote For You, with visibility all the way back to speeches and voting records as they took place in Parliament House. Discover historic political ephemera from Federal and State election campaigns from 2010 to 2014 at ElectionLeaflets.

Local Planning Collection 

Explore over 2 million planning applications and 50,000 community contributions from December 2009 to what what’s planned this week, providing a diverse resource for urban development research at Planning Alerts

All our collections are designed for easy search and accessibility, making them perfect for researchers, students, or anyone interested in government and democracy. Start your journey of discovery and insight with us today!