About two months ago we put in an application for funding to the auDA Foundation for a new project called “Planning Alerts”.
The ideas is simple.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could go to a website and put in your email address and where you live and get updates of any development applications in your area and look at them on a map? And do all of this without having to know what your local council is or how to navigate their website.
Gone would be the days when some building gets knocked down or some house gets extended without you knowing about it first.
For more details see the application in full that we submitted.
Unfortunately, last weekend we found out that the auDA Foundation Board decided not to fund our proposal. We’re obviously very disappointed but certainly not disheartened.
So, here is a call out to help us. Please read our application and tell us (by commenting on this post) what can be improved with the application. Suggest amendments and changes in approach so that next time we apply for funding, we’ll do a better job.
Also, if you have ideas for other funding organisations we should apply to for this project, let us know. We’ve also applied for funding for this project to the Government 2.0 Taskforce. We should hopefully hear back soon about that.
Any reason why it was not approved?
Interesting that wasn’t approved, when Mosman Council is already doing it:
You can already view Development Applications over a map overlay (approved and non-approved ones)
Contact Allison Hornery Rockdale city council she will have contacts for you in NSW and QLD.
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Henare Degan. Henare Degan said: Help us improve our funding application! #openaustralia RT @OpenAustralia: The ups and downs of funding new projects: http://bit.ly/thAKm […]