Embedding PlanningAlerts in a map just got a whole lot nicer

We’ve a made a pretty small change to the way that applications from PlanningAlerts can get embedded in a map that makes it much easier to use.

It’s easiest to see with an example:

View Larger Map

When you click on one of the points on a map, as well as the description of the development application, there is now a link “More Information” which takes you to the page on PlanningAlerts for that application.

That simple change just made embedded maps a whole lot more useful.

This is how to do it for yourself:

  1. Enter a street address on www.planningalerts.org.au and click Search.
  2. Copy the URL of the link to “Subscribe to an RSS feed for applications near here”
  3. Then go to Google Maps, paste that URL into its search box
  4. Add ?style=html to the end of the URL in the search box. This is the new bit that adds the “More information” link.
  5. Click Search Maps
  6. Click the Link link to the top right of the map, and copy the Paste HTML to embed in website code
  7. Paste that code into your blog post, sidebar, or wherever (you can alter the code to change its size etc.)
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