…or mobile phone cameras.
We have just over seven weeks until the NSW State Election and it’s going to be bitter. Leaflets are already in the news and people have been calling on us to run Election Leaflets during this election.
Luckily Tim ‘mithro’ Ansell and I recently attended linux.conf.au in Brisbane and as we did last year we decided to spend what little free time we had hacking on OpenAustralia Foundation projects.
This time we chose Election Leaflets and the good news is we’ve done it. I’m very pleased to announce that we’re running Election Leaflets for the 2011 NSW State Election.
From today, when you visit ElectionLeaflets.org.au you’ll see election leaflets that have been uploaded by people all over the state that want to make a difference before they vote.
If you want to make a difference, gather up some leaflets and start uploading.
Wait, where are the Federal election leaflets?
UPDATE: There’s now an archive site of the 2010 Federal Election Leaflets available.
That’s a good question. Rest assured, they’re still there. They just won’t show up when you browse the website (but are still visible if you know an old link).
We haven’t yet built a way to show these leaflets at the same time, but we’re working on it.
As always, we could do with a hand so please volunteer or donate today.
One Comment
The State Library of New South Wales also collects NSW election ephemera. Send items to Ephemera Librarian, State Library of New South Wales. Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000.
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Matthew Landauer, chieftech, John Handelaar, katska, Vijay Santhanam and others. Vijay Santhanam said: RT @matthewlandauer: RT @electionleaflet: People of NSW – Start Your Scanners! http://bit.ly/eSpVz7 http://www.electionleaflets.org.au # … […]