Monthly Archives: February 2017

We maintain things for people

About a month ago we had our major planning session for 2017. The idea is to get everyone together for a few days, share and discuss project ideas, and ultimately come up with a plan for what OpenAustralia Foundation should work on over the whole year. We’ve done quite a few of these sessions now […]

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See you at the Pub Meet, February 28th in Sydney

I hope everyone’s having a good start to the year, and keeping cool. If you’re in Sydney, come say hi at our Pub Meet on Tuesday evening February 28th, at the Trinity Bar on Crown St, ten minutes walk from Central. RSVP and see details here We’ve had a busy month since the last […]

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Hacking democracy and playing the long game – Luke Bacon at 2017

Last month Henare and I were in Hobart for We met lots of really nice people working on a dizzying array of interesting projects. is Australia’s biggest conference for people building and using Free and Open Source Software. People come from all over the world to be there. Henare and Matthew from the […]

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